I’ve owned approximately fifty bicycles. But, I’ve been lucky enough to only have one stolen. It happened in 1990 in Italy while I was on a ten-day tour of Italian bicycle factories sponsored by the Italian Bicycle and Motorcycle Trade Association. On the first day, we stopped near Lake Como for lunch and while we were eating, thieves broke open the van and stole my ride, a nice Specialized Allez I’d customized with hydraulic brakes and super-light pedals.
Our hosts were as dismayed as we were but there wasn’t a thing they, or the carbinieri (police) could do. So, we returned to the hotel in Milan and I spent the evening bummed that I probably wasn’t going to be able to pedal through the incredible Italian countryside. I needn’t have worried.
Bianchi Blows Me Away
The first visit in the morning was to Bianchi, a sprawling multi-building complex. We entered via the company’s well-stocked retail store, which had Bianchi everything, from socks and shoes to water bottles, toe straps, pumps, hats, bags, wheel covers, you name it. Before we could reach for our wallets, however, we were introduced to a tall handsome well-dressed and very fit-looking man who I recognized as Felice Gimondi, one of the greatest roadies ever and a celebrity in Italy.
He greeted us in Italian (while the interpreter translated) and then looked directly at me and apologized for my bicycle being stolen. He then explained that by the end of our factory tour, he’d have a new Bianchi ready for me to take back to America, which he did. And, I rode that celeste full-Campy beauty out to Monza and back the next day in my new Bianchi socks and shorts.
Bicycle Theft is Bad News
Unfortunately, most stolen bicycle stories don’t have such happy endings. And, while I’ll never forget receiving that new Bianchi, I’ll also always remember and miss my stolen Allez. It had special meaning, too, as all bicycles have to their owners.
That’s the saddest thing about bicycle theft. You get attached to your machine and when it’s stolen, you feel violated, lost, depressed. In fact, plenty of people have given up bicycling because their bicycles got stolen, which made them feel violated, unsafe and at risk. Rather than suffer these feelings again, they take up other activities that seem safer.
It’s sad too that kids are afraid to ride to school for fear that their wheels won’t be there when they get out. And that a lot of people who might consider biking around, don’t do so because they feel like there’s no way to keep their bicycle safe while they’re in a store or restaurant. Hopefully, the tips in this article will help you learn how to lock your bicycle and keep it safe and sound.
Recognize the Risks
There are two main points every cyclist should keep in mind. The first is to recognize that there are thieves out there and that they know how to steal bicycles, even locked ones. So, you’ve got to be alert and careful. A lot more about this in a minute.
The other key point that’s rarely explained is that when a bicycle is stolen it’s not a hopeless situation. While it may be unlikely that you’ll see your baby again, if you act fast and do the right things, there’s a reasonable chance of recovery.
How to Keep Your Bicycle Yours
Believe it or not, the vast majority of stolen bicycles get that way because they weren’t locked. So, your first defense against theft is purchasing a quality lock and using it whenever you leave your ride unattended. Thieves usually ignore protected two wheelers because so many freebies are readily available.
But, don’t just slap on the lock any old which way. Thieves are scoundrels but they’re not always stupid. They’ll get your machine or part of it, if you’re lazy about securing it. For example, most dirt and road rigs are equipped with quick-release wheels, which make it easy for crooks to swipe a very expensive chunk of your machine if you forget to lock the wheels (or the rest of the bicycle, if you only secure one wheel!). Likewise, if you wrap a cable around a parking meter, the felon can just lift the bicycle over the post’s top, toss your pride and joy in his truck/trunk and take it home where he can break off the lock at his leisure.
Here are some rules on how to lock and safeguard your bicycle:
Seven Super Safety Rules and One Suggestion
1. Ask other cyclists and bike shop personnel where the high-risk areas in town are so you won’t make the mistake of parking your bike there.
2. At home, store your bicycles inside. If kept in a garage, leave the door closed and store the two wheelers out of sight (consider locking them, too); because you never know who might cruise your neighborhood looking for valuables.
3. When stopped, if you can’t take your bicycle inside, always use your lock.
4. Always lock your bicycle in a safe area and to an unbreakable and immovable object being certain to secure the frame and both wheels. If you must park in a high risk area, use two good locks but different types such as a U-lock and a quality chain-type lock like Kryptonite's impenetrable Fahgettaboudit lock shown at the top of this page or their New York Chain lock. This arrangement thwarts thieves prepared to only attack U locks. See the diagrams below for instructions on locking with and without front wheel removal.
5. Take with you any easily-removed accessories and components such as pumps, cyclecomputers, lights, seat bags, quick-release seat and seatpost, etc.
6. To reduce the risk of becoming a target, never tempt thieves by leaving your bicycle locked for long periods such as overnight, or securing it in a predictable fashion, such as putting it in the same bicycle rack every day.
7. Mark your bicycle so that you can easily prove it’s yours. Some fire station or police departments sell bicycle licenses, which is one way to label your bicycle. You can also write your name on a piece of paper and slip it inside the handlebars. Or write your name underneath your seat with an idelible marker.
8. If you’re convinced no lock can keep your bicycle safe and you mainly bicycle around town, buy a Brompton. This ingenious folding bicycle collapses without tools in about ten seconds to such a small size that you can put it in a Safeway cart with room to spare for groceries. Because it folds so small and so quickly, you never have to leave it outside. Just bring it in with you. It’s a nice riding bicycle too with impressive features.
Getting a Stolen Bicycle Back
I know it seems hopeless when your bicycle is ripped off. But, maybe it will steel your resolve to hear that I know two cyclists who had their bicycles stolen in New York City and later recovered them. One guy found his in a yard sale two years after he lost it. The other guy, walked door-to-door for weeks passing out fliers and talking to people until he got a lead and recovered his Raleigh. In both cases, the bicycles were found in the same condition they were in before they were stolen. I can tell you plenty of stories like this about bicycles that were stolen in Santa Cruz, too.
People claim that bicycles are stolen in bulk and taken out of the area to be sold. Or, you hear that there are rings of thieves who steal bicycles and strip all the parts and make money selling the parted-out machines or refurbished bicycles built of the parts. That may go on. But, in my experience, it’s very rare.
Where they Go
Once stolen, bicycles are usually sold ASAP to someone for quick drug money. Or, the bicycle remains with the person who stole it or with that person’s family or the general community, where he/she lives. Even when the bicycle is turned for drug money, if the transaction takes place here, the bicycle will probably stay here.
So how do you get it back? The most important thing is to act fast once a bicycle is stolen. If you wait, you might forget details about the bicycle that help identify it. And, you’ll miss the chance of letting people know about your bicycle during the time when it’s most likely to be found. Often, a thief will try to get the bicycle repaired (bicycles that ride are easier to sell) and if you’ve alerted the shops, the mechanic will recognize the bicycle and call you. Also, thieves often try to sell bicycles to shops, which never works (because the crooks have no idea what the bicycle is worth) and always raises suspicions.
Steps to Take to Get the Bicycle Back
1. Print hundreds of fliers with a short, accurate description of your stolen bicycle and put them everywhere. As the weather ruins the fliers and knocks them down, put up more.
2. Hand deliver a flier to every bicycle shop in town. They may ask you to write down the information on a card (because it takes less space) and place it on their bulletin board. The important thing is that you let them know the details so they can ID the bicycle if it comes in.
3. Tell everyone you know that the bicycle was stolen and offer to give them a flier.
4. Aggressively search for your bicycle by checking everyplace you think it might turn up. Keep in mind that most of the time, the bicycle is still being ridden so there’s a pretty good chance it might turn up where you see lots of bicycles such as on Pacific Avenue in Santa Cruz or along West Cliff Drive.
5. Use your best judgment if you happen to spot your bicycle. I know it seems risky, but most recoveries happen because the owner simply grabs the bicycle when he sees it or stops and confronts the person riding it. These people usually know that something’s fishy with the bicycle they’re riding and they’re usually ready to give it up rather than deal with a trip to the police station to discuss things. Obviously, I’m not recommending you take unnecessary risks. But, if you see your bicycle, it may well be your only chance to get it back. If you call the police, the bicycle may be long gone before they ever show up.
6. Don’t give up. Sometimes it takes quite a while for a stolen bicycle to surface. Be patient and tenacious in your searching, and you just might be rewarded as my 14-year-old daughter was. It took her 2 years, but she kept looking and one day got her bicycle back by asking for it from the boy she saw riding it.
Why I Left Out the How of Bicycle Theft
You’ll notice that I didn’t describe the details of how thieves steal bicycles. While I’d enjoy busting some myths (no, thieves don’t break locks with liquid nitrogen) with a complete explanation right down to what tools they use, it’s too risky to do so because this article might get in the wrong hands.
So, for now, if you’re interested in the details, ask me the next time you see me on a ride. In the meantime, keep your bicycle safe.